Medical Continence Centers (MCC) is an initiative aimed at the multidisciplinary development of care and dedicated to people with incontinence. Our primary objective is to seek solutions in response to the increasingly greater expectations of people with lower urinary tract dysfunction. We wish to develop our solutions by building up a community of shareholders - the ambassadors of our project.
Our mission is to offer medical care for people with incontinence in a comprehensive and complementary manner and to create opportunities for all those who care about prevention.
Care, based on a multidisciplinary collaboration, top quality customer service, using innovative methods and modern technologies.
Urinary incontinence (UI) is ceasing to be a taboo subject and in Europe it is considered a social problem. It is estimated that more than two million Poles already suffer from UI.
Urinary incontinence affects people of all ages, both men and women. Most frequently it occurs in pregnant women, after delivery, after gynaecological operations and after the menopause, in children (mainly nocturnal enuresis) and in men with prostate diseases and after urological operations. The risk of UI increases with age.
We used to say it was a problem that "does not kill life" (literally) but "destroys its quality"... Which is why it is never going to be a priority for a permanently underfinanced and badly organized public healthcare system.
In Poland, at present, there is no comprehensive, overall urological or urogynaecological care for patients with incontinence. Most of them, although they have been seeking help for years, are not treated according to international standards. This is because only a small number of medical specialists deal with this condition on a daily basis. The fact that there is no specialization in urogynaecology is an additional obstacle.
Launching the first, model medical center, based on collaboration among urologists, gynaecologists and physiotherapists with qualifications in this field of therapy enable our solutions to be implemented and adjusted in practice. A model medical center with the support of an external shareholders’ community will shortly allow us to establish a network of medical centers offering professional care and comprehensive support in navigating the complicated healthcare system.
However, it is not our priority to "invest in walls" but in a business model, in which the patients and employees (to whom we offer the opportunity to regularly improve their qualifications at home and abroad as well as the support of modern technologies, which make it possible to achieve better and better therapeutic results), will come first.
Such a creative approach, combined with the knowledge and experience of the founders and collaborators of Medical Continence Centers S.A. give all shareholders a guaranteed speedy development, combined with patient satisfaction.
The key element of our strategy is to involve the community of Polish patients in developing the company from its inception. That is why the very first share issue (2019) was addressed not only to investors, who are rightly counting on a fast increase in the value of MCC shares, but also to the patients’ community which has been a member of the "UroConti" Association for over 15 years. They are the people who can best endorse what we do. We create solutions for them which will help them return to normal life.